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Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Year ended 31 December 2006
All figures in £ millions |
Notes |
2006 |
2005 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Cash generated from operations |
31 |
621 |
653 |
Interest paid |
(106) |
(101) |
Tax paid |
(59) |
(65) |
Net cash generated from operating activities |
456 |
487 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
28 |
(363) |
(246) |
Acquisition of joint ventures and associates |
(4) |
(7) |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (PPE) |
(68) |
(76) |
Proceeds from sale of PPE |
31 |
8 |
3 |
Purchase of intangible assets |
(29) |
(24) |
Purchase of other financial assets |
– |
(2) |
Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed |
30 |
10 |
376 |
Disposal of joint ventures and associates |
– |
54 |
Interest received |
24 |
29 |
Dividends received from joint ventures and associates |
45 |
14 |
Net cash (used in)/generated from investing activities |
(377) |
121 |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares |
25 |
11 |
4 |
Purchase of treasury shares |
26 |
(36) |
(21) |
Proceeds from borrowings |
84 |
– |
Liquid resources acquired |
(24) |
– |
Repayments of borrowings |
(145) |
(79) |
Finance lease principal payments |
(3) |
(3) |
Dividends paid to Company’s shareholders |
10 |
(220) |
(205) |
Dividends paid to minority interests |
(15) |
(17) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(348) |
(321) |
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
(44) |
13 |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents |
(313) |
300 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |
844 |
544 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year |
20 |
531 |
844 |
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